May Special Edition

Looking Ahead, Making Plans

“We understand just how important libraries are to so many in our communities,” says Melissa Legacy, VIRL’s Director of Library Services and Planning. “Whether it’s providing books to families, combatting social isolation for seniors, or offering a safe and welcoming space to people in need, libraries mean so much to so many and we are committed to providing services and supports to our communities as soon as it is safe to do so.”

More details

Indigenous Voices Initiative wins international ALA award

VIRL has another award for the trophy case.

“Since it launched in 2018, Indigenous Voices has grown into a movement that brings people closer in communities large and small,” says VIRL’s Executive Director Rosemary Bonanno. “It has been integral in our commitment to reconciliation for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of our community.”

Award-Winning Initiative

Rodney Frick A Top Pick

While our in-branch services remain temporarily suspended, we are missing our customers and we have heard you miss our staff too! So here is the first of a series about the incredible team of people who work at your library. Heeeer'es Rodney Frick from the Harbourfront Branch in Nanaimo!

More about Rodney

Welcome to Creativebug!

VIRL cardholders have an all-access, no-boundaries pass to explore thousands of classes. People of all skill levels can work alongside instructors to learn craft techniques!  We are thrilled with the simple and intuitive platform - go ahead and see for yourself! Something for every level & creative pursuit!

Get Creative!

Pandemic Reading Pro-Tips

Months ago we spoke with Sarah Fisk, a voracious library user and past VIRL fan, about her memories of the Summer Reading Club at our old Wellington Branch. A lot has happened since our last chat, so we caught up with her to see how her reading habits have changed during her isolation.

Sarah's Pro-Tips

Do you have a WHALE of a story to share? We are sure missing hearing your stories in person! If you have a book recommendation to share, maybe a photo of a new hobby you've taken up, some terrific recipe that you've tried recently, or even a photo of hearts in your window! We would love to hear all about what you are up to and how you are making the best of a tough situation. #WeAreAllInThisTogether 

I have a story to share...

Vancouver Island Regional Library   |    90 Commercial St. Nanaimo BC  |