SEPTEMBER 2019 | NO. 1

It’s your turn

On Tuesday, September 10, the APTS and the FIQ took their first concrete step as an alliance as we head into the next provincial contract talks with the government. Meeting at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, the two unions’ delegations adopted common intersectoral demands that will be submitted to you in the coming weeks.

Starting officially on September 12, this consultation process will continue until October 2. It will help define the exact content of the proposals that will be submitted to our General Council in October to determine the intersectoral demands presented to the government.


Want to make your voice count in these consultations?

You can do so in union assemblies convened by your executive, or by taking part in the SurveyMonkey poll on the subject.

The APTS is counting on your active participation to develop demands that faithfully mirror your concerns – participation that will hopefully match the consultations on Tuesday culminating in a resounding demonstration of collective action.

The president of the APTS, Carolle Dubé, and the president of the FIQ, Nancy Bédard, described that initial event as “historic and galvanizing.” Despite a long day of deliberations, the delegates made this event an unequivocal success. The energy and solidarity of the 800 participants were palpable. 

The APTS delegation led by Carolle Dubé and Nancy Bédard (who had come to get our delegates in the APTS meeting room), was greeted with thunderous applause by the FIQ delegation. Reverberating chants of “so-so-so-solidarité” accompanied the two presidents as they made their way from the entrance to the stage.

A highly intense moment that left no doubt: negotiations are in the air and your delegates are already totally pumped. We’re counting on you to follow suit and make these 2020 negotiations the success we’re all hoping for.